How Long an EV Charger Will last?

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Electric vehicles have gained significant popularity due to more and more people shifting toward a more sustainable lifestyle. One important aspect of owning an electric vehicle is ensuring convenient and efficient charging. Have you ever wondered about how long your EV charger will last? Join us as we explore the lifespan and longevity of EV chargers. We'll also show you how to keep your charger in top shape.

Expected Lifespan

On average, a well-maintained and high-quality EV charger can last anywhere from 10 to 20 years. And technological advancements may lead to newer, more efficient chargers being introduced into the market over time.

Factors Affecting EV Charger

  • Frequency and Patterns

The more often you charge, the more wear your charger experiences. And keeping your EV plugged in all the time can shorten your home charger's life. It can place additional stress on the charger, potentially shortening its service life. Nowadays, many chargers have apps that will notify you when it is fully charged, and from the app, you will be able to control all aspects of the charging process.

  • Maintenance

To keep your EV charging station in top condition, regular cleaning and protective measures are essential. Ensure to conduct regular maintenance for optimal performance. Keeping the cable clean, inspecting it for damage, and avoiding improper handling can help prolong its lifespan. 

  • Weather Conditions

Exposure to harsh weather conditions, such as extreme heat, cold, or humidity, can affect the cable's materials and performance over time. In extreme weather, your charger may not last as long as in more moderate climates. 

How to extend the life of an EV charger

  • Follow Maintenance Guidelines

Follow the manufacturer's recommended maintenance guidelines for your EV charger. Regular maintenance is essential for keeping an EV charger running smoothly. Inspect the unit regularly for any signs of wear or damage.

  • Environmental Factors

Try to locate an EV charging station in a sheltered area. Shield it from direct sunlight, rain, and other extreme environmental elements as much as possible. 

  • Keep it Clean

It's the simplest way to keep an EV charger in good condition. Wipe down any dirt, dust, or debris that could cause problems.


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